Children & YouthFoster Care Recruitment

In partnership with The Village for Families & Children, Urban Alliance is working to recruit foster families for our state’s most vulnerable children and youth. This program allows individuals, families, and local churches to show that they care and provides short- and long-term options to make a difference in the lives of children.

Hope Sunday at Your Church

Hope Sunday is a way for churches to share about foster parenting opportunities with their congregations. Using video spots, handouts, and other materials, Urban Alliance is able to reach out to families with hearts to help chilcdren in need.

You Can Make A Difference

Upcoming Informational Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.

You can be the caring adult that a child needs

You can contact us through this Foster Parent Interest form to find out more about the need for Therapeutic Foster Parents in our state.

Pray for children in the foster care system

At Urban Alliance, we believe that prayer can change things. You can sign up for email updates to hear about specific children looking for a foster home and other news and updates about the ways Urban Alliance, the UA Network, and people like you are changing things for the better.

Foster Parent Interest

"*" indicates required fields

Yes! I am interested in...*
Website? Friend (include name)? Church presentation (where?)

Make a Difference

Invest in the Future

You can help provide training, resources and recruitment materials to caring families that can help support children that need support in crisis.

Help Spread the Word

Are you interested in hosting a Hope Sunday at your church? Would you be willing to maintain a resource center at your church? We’d love to help you find a way to make a difference.

More to See

Education Inequity

See how Urban Alliance is helping to level the playing field for students in Title I schools.

Teacher Resource Center (TRC)

In partnership with World Vision, the Teacher Resource Center provides free school supplies to teachers in under-resourced schools.