Impact AreaEducation InequalityChildren & Youth
LESS per student every year on average, compared to other schools
1 in 3
families who want after-school programs for their child have access to them
CT Teachers spend
out-of-pocket on school supplies for their classroom each year
The educational systems in our state are strained to a near breaking point: there aren’t enough teachers to fill open positions, leading to larger class sizes and poor educational experiences. Title I schools struggle to secure all of the resources need to support successful classroom experiences. What can be done to help?
Urban Alliance works with school systems, teachers, and local churches and organizations to improve the education experience of children in need through our Distribution Center, School Partnerships, and other efforts to make a difference in kids’ lives by changing the environment that dominates their days: the classroom.
How We Make an Impact

The Teacher Resource Center
Partnering with World Vision, Urban Alliance helps teachers at Title I schools get classroom supplies and resources at no cost by allowing them to "shop" at our Teacher Resource Center at no cost to the school.

School Partnerships
One of the great challenges for Chrsitian churches and organizations is finding ways to engage with state organizations that need help. The separation of church and state limits the power the church or the state exerts over the other, but shoud it limit our compassion? Should it prevent us from loving our neighbors? Urban Alliance is working with schools and local churches to find appropriate and powerful ways to work together.

Teacher Recoginition
Being a teacher was hard before a global pandemic changed everything. Teachers today are working in schools that are short-staffed, often with insufficient budgets, with students that are re-adjusting to classroom life after 2 years of stressful online learning.
When we can, Urban Alliance reaches out to teachers working on the front lines with a small gift just to say thank you.
Invest in a Child’s Future
Sponsor Educational Programs
If your organization wants to engage with schools and teachers, we’d love to talk about ways you can help! You could sponsor recognition gifts, help fund partnerships, or explore your new, creative idea!
Invest in Our Children's Future
The Teacher Resource Center receives gifts in kind to distribute, but Urban Alliance provides the warhouse, floor space, staff to manage schedules, and time to coordinate with other schools. Your gift can help expand our efforts to include more schools, reach out to more teachers, and improve more classrooms.
School Partnerships
We are working on making connections between churches and schools in their communities to find ways for the people of God to bless their community in an appropriate way. These opportunities are almost always unique, and we’d love to explore your thoughts and ideas.