Urban Alliance names Joel Cruz, Jr. as Executive Director

Oct 8, 2024 | UA News

East Hartford, CT – October 10, 2024 –– Urban Alliance announced today that Joel Cruz, Jr., has been appointed as its new Executive Director.

“I am thrilled to announce that after an extensive and prayerful search, Urban Alliance has selected Joel Cruz to serve as our new Executive Director,” said Doug Casey, chairman of the Urban Alliance board of directors. “We are confident that with Joel at the helm, we will be well positioned to advance the mission and vision of Urban Alliance.”

Joel Cruz brings more than 24 years of experience in community outreach, social services, and program development. Most recently, he served as the Senior Director for the Institute for the Hispanic Family and Family Strengthening Programs at Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Hartford (see full bio below).

The new Executive Director will officially start his role on October 15, 2024. The entire Urban Alliance team looks forward to working under his leadership and continuing to create opportunities for people to achieve lasting change in their lives through the collaborative work of Christian churches and other partner organizations in the local community.

About Joel Cruz, Jr.

Joel Cruz holds a master’s degree in theology and Marriage Counseling and has more than 24 years of experience in community outreach, public speaking, social services, and program development. He served as Senior Director for the Institute for the Hispanic Family and Family Strengthening Programs at Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Hartford, and has a strong background in case management, strategic planning, mental health, healthcare, and public policy.

As the Council Minority Leader for the City of Hartford from 2012 to 2015, Joel authored several ordinances and resolutions aimed at improving the city’s quality of life. He also served honorably in the United States Marine Corps from 1998 to 2006.

For more than two decades, Joel has served as an Associate Pastor at the House of Praise and Worship in West Hartford, CT. He is a board member of Read to Grow, an early literacy organization. Additionally, he is a member of the University of Connecticut Pepper Center Community Advisory Board, where he advocates for addressing disparities among elderly Black and Brown populations.

Joel served as member of the Town of Windsor’s Youth Commission (2018 – 2020) and actively participates as a reviewer for the Council on Accreditation (COA). He is a certified Fatherhood Family Life Coach Master Trainer with the National Partnership for Community Leadership (NPCL) and has previously served on the State of Connecticut’s Prevention of Child Abuse Advisory Committee. From 2021 to 2023, he was on the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Health Council and has held leadership roles with AFCAMP and Hartford Hospital’s Pastoral Services Advisory Committee. Joel served as Vice-Chair of the Charter Oak Health Center Board of Directors from 2012 to 2024.

Throughout his career, Joel has received numerous honors, including the Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, National Defense Medal, citations from the State of Connecticut and City of Hartford, the Hartford Community Hero Award, the Connecticut Hispanic Veterans Award, and the 100 Men of Color Award.

About Urban Alliance, Inc.

Urban Alliance works to create opportunities for people to achieve lasting change in their lives through the collaborative work of a network of more than 140 Christian churches and other partner organizations. Find out more about Urban Alliance at www.urbanalliance.com.

The staff at Urban Alliance are familiar with Pastor Frank because he is a regular attendee to many of the trainings Urban Alliance provides on subjects like domestic violence, addressing childhood trauma, and better counseling techniques. “That’s been so valuable to me to be able to bring that back, not only in my counseling but also in my teaching and preaching ministries, “ shared Termine.

Pastor Frank was also one of the original members of the Micah group, a group of pastors that meets at Urban Alliance to discuss and strategize about challenging issues that face the church today. One of those earlier discussions on justice, incarceration, and returning citizens was particularly memorable. “We all lamented the fact that these men and women were coming out of prison into our churches and just kind of being thrown there,” said Termine, “We could do better than this.” That discussion planted the seeds that eventually led to the creation of Second Chance Churches – an opportunity for churches to provide support and mentoring to returning citizens that continues today.

When we asked Pastor Frank what he would say to another church that was unaware of Urban Alliance, he said, “If you are looking to get out in the community and make a difference in the community, Urban Alliance is a super way to do it. We’re a small church … we can’t do everything. Urban Alliance is a pathway to get our people involved in ministries that are already doing it, doing it well, and just need extra volunteers.”

Pastor Frank Termine’s story embodies many things we are trying to accomplish at Urban Alliance: supporting organizations in the communities they serve with training, resources, and opportunities to make a difference. Pastors and non-profit leaders face a wide range of challenges and, therefore, need a wide range of help and resources. Your support can help turn stories of struggle into stories like you find at Calvary Church.

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