Article by Jaleith Gary, Urban Alliance’s Director of Philanthropy

The COVID-19 pandemic quietly snuck into our daily lives and shook our community to its core. Days were long as we monitored the news and fighting an invisible enemy began to take its toll on us all.

But God is moving through the local church. We’re working hard to meet critical needs and demonstrate His love when people need it most, but we can’t do it alone.

You’re helping, with donations of all sizes. Here’s how.

Sustaining several ongoing emergency relief sites that provide food and household supplies to hundreds vulnerable children and families each week through our partnerships with schools, our network, and community-based organizations:

Developing a free online resource library to provide ministry leaders with materials to help people in need practically, emotionally and spiritually.
Mobilizing volunteers to make masks and keep our emergency relief distribution sites safe for everyone and stop the spread of COVID-19.
Providing a series of free online trainings to help people cope with stress and become more resilient, talk to children and youth about COVID-19, and connect people to supportive programs in the community. You can register for all of them here:

Equipping essential service providers to meet the increased demands on their services as more people face hardships and turn to them for help.
Equipping care and counseling ministries that have seen heightened needs for mental and emotional support as people seek to cope with the stress and disruption of this crisis.
Providing grants to food pantries in Hartford for the purchase of food and supplies to improve the cleanliness and safety of their service provision.

Our team is actively monitoring the crisis as it evolves to find ways we can provide much help as possible to the people who need it most. 

Do your part to fight COVID-19 with us!

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