Making A DifferenceTraining & Equipping

One of the more common connections people make with Urban Alliance is through our training events and our resource library. Urban Alliance hosts dozens of meetings every year that are focused around sharing best practices, building community with like minded people and organizations, and providing real, practical training that organizations, ministries, churches and individuals can put to use as they serve their communities.

Most of these events and resources are developed by Urban Alliance, specifically so that they can be freely shared – we want to be sure that the people who need the information can get to the information! 

Training Events & Community Gatherings

Urban Alliance works to provide training and discussion on a wide range of topics every year, from timely information (like COVID best practices in 2020) to timeless, valuable information. We consistently review and update what we develop, and then share it with our Network and beyond.

The UA Resource Library

Whenever possible, Urban Alliance shares booklets, guides, worksheets, and other resources with the UA Network and the public. You can find these resources in the “How Can We Assist You” Menu at the top of the page or by following the link below. Here are a few examples:

Trauma, Crisis Support, & PTSD

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Care and Social Distancing

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Special Events

Sometimes, there are opportunities that come along that are useful for the whole church. Urban Alliance is excited to help bring some of these opportunities to our region.

Freedom Prayer

Freedom Prayer is a prayer and discipleship process that helps people experience freedom from sin, unhealthy behaviors, pain, strongholds and limiting beliefs that hinder a fruitful and fulfilling relationship with the Lord. It can be incorporated into just about any ministry setting and applied personally.

Be a Part of Something Good

Volunteer with UAServe

Join our growing team of people who have found ways to serve their neighbors with their time and talents! UAServe can connect you with opportunities that match your interests and availability!

You Can Make a Difference

It takes time to develop training resources, and printing costs are always on the rise. You can be a part of providing quality training materials and educational resources to programs and ministries in the region.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Does your organization value training & best practices? Would you want to be part of providing printed materials or funding research and development time for a specific issue?