Submit A Summer of Hope Event

Urban Alliance invites our Network Partners to submit community events for inclusion in our Summer of Hope Calendar. These events should be open to the public and focused on the Community. Some events that fit this description are: VBS programs, community outreach events, concerts, block parties, and community meals / food pantries. This is not a calendar for publicizing regular worship services, regular Sunday School programs, or events intended solely for church attenders.

Once your event is submitted, our staff will review it and publish it. If there is missing or confusing information, or if your event does not meet the criteria for inclusion, staff will reach out to you by email.

Thank You!

Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start Time
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Organization Address

Event Organizer / Contact Person

Event Cost(Required)

Your Information

In case we need to reach out to you for clarification about your event
If your event repeats (it happens every Tuesday night), please enter the FIRST event and then include how often it repeats (every Friday, every 3 weeks, 1st and 2nd thursday)