Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church
contact information
Since: 2016
Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church’s mission is to love God, love others, make disciples.
Next Generation School Partnershps
A Next Generation School Partnership is an ongoing relationship between a church or ministry organization and a school. Through this relationship, student needs are more holistically met through their school because of the active involvement with the local Christian community.
Hands Wide Open Food Pantry
The Hands Open Wide Food Pantry offers free non-perishable food items, toiletries and other household items to the community on a first-come, first-served basis the third Saturday of every month from 9:30-10:30am. Doors open at 8:30am for coffee, pastries and fellowship. Food pantry clients do not have to attend Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church or live in Wethersfield, but are asked to bring an ID when coming for the first time.
Care Ministry
We have a very active care ministry consisting of the pastors, deacons, elders, and visitation team. WEFC also offers Freedom Prayer.