Bible Way Temple Nation
contact information
Since: 2011
Bible Way Temple Nation is a fellowship that focuses on generational ministry by including the concept of family as an integral part of our structure. We program for and involve all age groups, from our youth to our retirees, in the day to day of our ministry. Our three “B” approach, “Building Up People, Building Up Relationships and Building Up The Kingdom of God,” says it all! It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are or where you come from, we choose to believe that some good is in you and something good can happen to you.
CT Transition House
Bible Way Temple Nation provides non-perishable food items for community members on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00am-2:00pm. BWTN has also received training and supplies to offer a Beyond the Basics Community Resource Center and Community Resource Coaches through their basic needs program. Community Resource Centers help programs connect people to local services and resources that match their specific needs. Community Resource Coaches help encourage positive changes in people served through relational support and may meet one-on-one with people to motivate them to set goals and connect to appropriate resources.
Mobile Foodshare
Bible Way Temple Nation provides fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and bread for community members in partnership with Mobile Foodshare every other Friday from 10:00-10:45am.
Care & Support Ministry
The Care & Support Ministry at Bible Way Temple Nation serves the church congregation through pastoral counseling, senior care, outreach to the sick and shut in, and a women’s ministry. Care and support are offered on an ongoing basis.
BWTN Youth Ministry
Bible Way Temple Nation Youth Ministry provides opportunities for middle- and high-school aged youth to grow in their faith in God and develop leadership skills. The ministry also facilitates supportive peer and adult relationships and promotes service in the community. Programming occurs on Sundays, Tuesdays and Saturdays.