As we’ve all adjusted to a new normal, Urban Alliance has reimagined our annual community outreach day into a toolkit of supplies, which programs have used to supplement their outreach efforts this summer. Each community outreach toolkit contains CT resource guides listing commonly needed services, flyers about the Summer Meals Program, tracts about God’s love, individually wrapped face masks, and eye-catching green bags for all these items to be packed into along with any other materials a program would like to distribute.
Programs in the UA network have carried forward the heart and intention of the annual community outreach day by using these toolkits to share important information, connect with their neighbors, and enhance their presence in the community. And, the versatility of each toolkit has allowed each program to adapt it to their unique ministry and outreach efforts.

For example, Glory Chapel International Cathedral incorporated their outreach bags into a community event that also offered a vaccination clinic and Make-A-Wish Ice Cream Truck while The Hartford Project distributed the outreach bags as part of a summer service project for youth. Food pantries led by Ministerios Tiempo de Cosecha, Rehoboth Church of God, Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church, and Ebenezer Pentecostal Church also received toolkits so they could offer the resources to the clients they provide food to each week.
You can make a difference
by helping to provide much needed resources
This is just one example of how UA is providing programs in the community with valuable resources to serve people in creative ways. With your support, we can continue to offer toolkits like these to expand the services offered by programs in the UA network and make a positive impact in people’s lives.
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