Another successful school year for the Teacher Resource Center!

May 3, 2022 | UA News

The end of the 2021-2022 school year is a few weeks away, students are itching to start their summer break, parents are busy planning activities for their children and family summer vacations, but we’re celebrating NOW! For the sixth consecutive year, we’ve had the opportunity to partner with Title 1 community schools serving students from economically vulnerable communities by supporting teachers from 4 CT school districts (Hartford, New Britain, East Hartford, Manchester) and increasing their impact on the academic success of their students.

In partnership with World Vision’s Teacher Resource Center, Urban Alliance’s School Partnerships program supported 1242 teachers serving over 27,000 students during the 2021-2022 school year by inviting them to shop for ‘free’ and receive over $807,000 in top quality school supplies.  World Vision’s Teacher Resource Center is housed at Urban Alliance’s headquarters in East Hartford and serves as a distribution center offering high quality donated classroom supplies to schools where at least 70% of its students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Teachers are given the opportunity to go “shopping” two times per school year for a variety of classroom supplies, such as markers, pens, pencils, notebooks, books, just to name a few.  This means each teacher received approximately $650 in school supplies this school year alone! Over the last 6 years we’ve distributed close to $7,000,000 in school supplies to over 50,000 students. This is why we are celebrating!

Why are these efforts so important? First, EVERY child deserves to experience a high quality education. Second, many students from vulnerable communities are not equipped with the proper materials to help them achieve their full potential. More often than not, it is the child’s teacher who provides the materials needed to succeed in school. “In 2018, the Department of Education released a survey showing that teachers, on average, spend $478 per year on supplies without reimbursement.” However recent studies showed “teachers spent an average of $750 on school supplies out of pocket during the 2020-2021 school year, the highest amount ever.” It also shows that about 30% of teachers spend close to $1,000 or more from their own money on school supplies for their students.


We’re not the only ones celebrating!

Many teachers, students, and school administrators have expressed their gratitude.

We are very excited that you are able to offer this opportunity to our school family.

Ana Davila, LEAD Teacher – Pulaski Middle School

Thanks again and again and again…for this opportunity. I went there yesterday and today my office is filled with prizes and surprises!!

Tracy L. Saperstein, Ed.D.
Asst. Principal, Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts

Pulaski wants to thank you and the donors for all you have given us.

Mrs. Natalia Arroyo-Hunter, TESOL Pulaski Middle School

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The staff at Urban Alliance are familiar with Pastor Frank because he is a regular attendee to many of the trainings Urban Alliance provides on subjects like domestic violence, addressing childhood trauma, and better counseling techniques. “That’s been so valuable to me to be able to bring that back, not only in my counseling but also in my teaching and preaching ministries, “ shared Termine.

Pastor Frank was also one of the original members of the Micah group, a group of pastors that meets at Urban Alliance to discuss and strategize about challenging issues that face the church today. One of those earlier discussions on justice, incarceration, and returning citizens was particularly memorable. “We all lamented the fact that these men and women were coming out of prison into our churches and just kind of being thrown there,” said Termine, “We could do better than this.” That discussion planted the seeds that eventually led to the creation of Second Chance Churches – an opportunity for churches to provide support and mentoring to returning citizens that continues today.

When we asked Pastor Frank what he would say to another church that was unaware of Urban Alliance, he said, “If you are looking to get out in the community and make a difference in the community, Urban Alliance is a super way to do it. We’re a small church … we can’t do everything. Urban Alliance is a pathway to get our people involved in ministries that are already doing it, doing it well, and just need extra volunteers.”

Pastor Frank Termine’s story embodies many things we are trying to accomplish at Urban Alliance: supporting organizations in the communities they serve with training, resources, and opportunities to make a difference. Pastors and non-profit leaders face a wide range of challenges and, therefore, need a wide range of help and resources. Your support can help turn stories of struggle into stories like you find at Calvary Church.

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