This year, UA offered The Hartford Project (THP) grant funding to support their 2021 youth-led service project. UA’s Child- and Youth-led Service Project grant helps fund projects developed and led by children or youth to positively impact their community, with the support and partnership of adult leaders. The goal of this grant is for the successful development and implementation of youth-led projects that lead to positive youth development outcomes, such as increased leadership and critical thinking skills, commitment to making a contribution in the community, and healthy adult-youth relationships for participating youth, and sustainable community transformation.

The grant funding allowed the members of THP’s Youth Advisory Board to create, implement, and execute a plan to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those experiencing homelessness in the local community.  The plan consisted of building and distributing care packages to the homeless community in Hartford, and strategically using the distribution of the care packages as a way to “encourage and foster God-centered conversations with the homeless population in Hartford.” Each care package contained hygiene products, non-perishable food items, bibles, and first-aid kits, and other important basic need items. Their desire was to share the love of Christ while meeting physical needs in this vulnerable community.

We are thrilled to see young people given an opportunity to build leadership skills in partnership with caring adults who believe they are valuable and are a vital asset in our society.

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