ToolkitsMental Health Resource Center

Did you know that right now 1 in 5 people are struggling with their mental health in CT?

That means people served by your church or organization are struggling and need support. You have the opportunity to break down stigma, provide valuable information, offer care and prayer, and help people connect to important programs and resources in the church and community by displaying mental health resources.

Urban Alliance is providing Unity Partner churches with supplies for mental health resource centers. Each church will receive brochure racks as well as printed resources on the following topics:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Alzheimer’s and other Dementias
  • Grief and Loss
  • Serious Mental Illness
  • Professional counselors, support groups and community programs

Additionally, we are providing churches with a copy of the book, Mental Health and the Church by Stephen Grcevich which provides information about ways churches can support people struggling with their mental health.


Register for a 30-minute mental health orientation where you will receive supplies for your resource center, important information about mental health, and ways UA is partnering with churches to support people who are struggling.

Mental Health Resource Center Orientation

Orientation that I will Attend(Required)
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